Saturday, February 21, 2009

Banned for life!

Everywhere I go on the digital highway, I seem to be apt to get a ban! Public forums and group chats.. especially if they have something to do with religion and the way of life! Ahh.. Iam bored already!

Heres what got me banned yet again.. The post to which I replied first.

Displaying the only post.
Post #1
Kamal R. Naik (Madison, WI) wrote4 hours ago
“Chaddi” is an Indian word which means under pant & is accepted word by British dictionary.

For the first time in India, people are speaking up against so called “Moral Police” They neither have moral nor are they police - calling them police means there was some law broken. There was none – Indian constitution gives every citizen right to go where ever they like.

Who are these Moral Police? These are people who belong to parent organization called, Rashtrian SwayamSevak Sangh (RSS). Under this organization there are several other organizations, e.g. Vishva Hindu Parishad (VHP), Bharatia Janta Party (BJP) which is a political party, Bajarang Dal, Ram Sena who had attacked girls for going to the pub, etc. Here are some of the beliefs & act of these fanatic Hindu organizations:

(1) Child marriage which is banned in India.

(2) Sati Pratha (were wife kills herself by jumping in the cremation fire of her husband if husband dies before she does) which is also banned in India.

(3) They want only Hindu religion in India. India has people who practice almost every religions of the word (Hinduism, Muslim, Christian, Buddhist, etc.) Hindus are about 70% of population & want other 30% (i.e. about 300 million) to get converted to Hinduism, if not, want to kill them. Chief Minister (equivalent of Governor in America) of state of Gujarat, whose name is Narendra Modi & belongs to the same organization, had killed close to 3000 Muslims in year 2002. America has al ready denied US visa to Narendra Modi.

(4) Godse, person who killed Gandhi was also a member of this organization. RSS still celebrates Godse’s birth anniversary.

(5) Few years back Christian missionary in the state of Orissa & two of his children were burn alive by a person who belongs to this organization.

(6) 500 years old masjid (Muslim’s prayer hall) was destroyed by them.

(7) They don’t believe in India constitution, Indian parliament (senate & congress), & Indian flag.

(8) They don’t want woman to wear pants, jeans, etc.

(9) Just to give some examples, they don’t want people to celebrate Valentines Day, Christmas, etc.

(10)They want Hindu girls to associate with only Hindus. Just few days back, a girl was beaten up for talking to a Muslim boy who happens to be in the same bus as she was. Later on humiliated girl committed suicide.

(11)Any boys or girl found holding hand in public is also beaten up.

In other word, no democracy, no human rights, no equal rights, or no minority rights.

This is why these organizations are also known “Hindu Fanatics Organizations”, Hindu Hitler Organizations, &/or “Hindu Taliban Organizations”.

And my reply..

Okay this is by far the most amount of bullshit I've ever read in one single post. What fucking crap!

I am full on anti moral police but moral policing is much more due to the cultural ethos than it being driven in by a political party. Everyone morally police down here.. the uncle next door, the driver of your car, the waiter who serves your food, the cop who milks cash off you, your grandma who makes the best Biriyani in the world . . . India is still rooted on to tradition and conservativeness to yield full sway to the western way of life. Extremists, who are faced with unyielding globalization just take a punch every now and again, but who the fuck is really listening to them anyways? Is there not enough cleavage or legs that never end or easy enough pussy at the pub next door? (To person with your views, I'd expect getting pussy be impossible, unless of course, you parents got you married to some 16 year old chick from your village.)

Child marriage and Sati have nothing to do with the BJP or RSS or even Hinduism, you fuck. It's much more to do again, with the cultural ethos . . the zeitgeist of that age. Western societies have engaged in many a such heinous acts. It's the fault of being born human, not a Hindu. Hinduism never says Go die if thy hubby gets whacked, or marry a 11 year ole pussy to a 65 year old Viagra needing dick! Its what people did. Do not confuse religion with actions.

That deals with 1 and 3 and now 3 . . . woooah! What a load of super crap! Hinduism is by far the most tolerant (towards other religions) religion among the biggies! Islam, my dear ignoramus, equates all non-muslims with dogs and even goes to the extent of saying killing non mossies will get you tight virgin pussy in heaven and Christianity, being as insecure as it is, pays people to convert to keep the money god machine churning. Hindus want to kill others? Dude... its the fucking extremists in the Islamic movement that started it. Groups like RSS, VHP and such were initially banded together to fight these organized terror groups. Never forget how it was the RSS and the VHP who walked in first with sticks and stones and fought the mossie terrors who had over taken Mumbai in the early 90s with paki supplied Aks and rocket launchers. And there is no way to convert a person into a Hindu.
Let us also not forget about the hindu blood shed in Gujju land maite.

I really say its about time people start respecting the majority's wants! Enough about appeasing the minorities. Respect everyone's human rights, but . .. come on! Why must 10 % of the population dictate terms? Just cos they are the ones who turn up to vote? Enough vote fucking bank fucking politics, huh?

Point 4 Godse.. Godse was no absolute villain. He genuinely tght Gandhi was doing bad, and did have valid points. So hush!

5 . . good for them. Burnt at the stake. Martyrdom, they got. Surely they are in the arms of Jesus with they heads resting on His bosom? The Christian missionaries do tend to get over zealous every now and again. Its always good to give them a friendly nudge and let them know they've been pushing it no?

6 . . . You see, people here made note of the position of stars when they jotted down things they tght wld be timeless. So, Rama can be accurately pin pointed to have been born in Ayodhya in 7,900 BC. I really thing thats more of import than a 500 year old Mosque!